"OH MY GOSH!", I shouted, "Robert and Stephanie are pregnant; WHAT THE HELL". Robert and Stephanie loved each other and had been married forever, but I was shocked. I think they were shocked as well. But with loads of grace they faced this exciting new adventure together. Throughout the journey, they met stressor after horrible stressor. This couple faced problem after problem but through it all Charlie Rogan never gave up and her parents remained hopeful as well. During this time Hank and I discovered that we were pregnant again. "OH YEA! Our babies will be best friends forever."
Then things kicked into high motion. Stephanie felt as if her water was breaking. OH NO! IT IS WAY TO EARLY! During one hospital mistake and miss hap after another, Stephanie and Robert were off to Jackson to wait in a sterile environment with hopes that Charlie Rogan baking would bake on up for some more weeks. Old C.R. held out long enough for Hank and I to make one visit and then she arrived. Her strong willed self entered this world at only 2 pounds and 9 ounces, but with the help of her family's love and the March of Dimes, Charlie is now 2 years old. She is both my youngest and most precious Elliott's best friend and arch enemy. I love Charlie Rogan as if she is my own and I am thankful for all the services that help her survive and her parents cope.

Charlie Rogan now
To show my love, I am joining the March of Dimes' TEAM CHARLIE ROGAN. The Gillespie family and Charlie are the ambassador family this year and need all the support possible to earn loads of money to help future babies have success stories like Charlie Rogan's. For more information, to join the team, or to donates gobs of cash go to
or order a tee shirt
They come in sizes 2T-4T ($12), YXS - Adult XL are $18, and XXL and up are $21 ($10 of which goes to the March of Dimes).

The Gillespie's are trying to reach their goal of $5,000 by May 7. Please help them by donating to their wonderful cause. You can donate by going to the Team Charlie Rogan March of Dimes page. Just click on the link. Any amount of money will help. Don't you worry one bit about how you're going to pay. They accept cash/check, credit or debit card, and paypal. If you can't give monetarily and you live in Greenwood, MS or surrounding areas, get out on May 7 and walk with Team Charlie Rogan.
Now you have no excuses!
Please share this with your friends and family. The more people that are aware of this wonderful organization the better. Premature babies are something that most of us are affected by and we don't realize how much the March of Dimes helps until we've been there.
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