Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blue Valentine

Last night, The Hubie and I sat down to the emotionally, devastating  journey that was Blue Valentine starring Ryan Gosling and Michell Williams. This movie surpassed any realistic marriage movie from my perspective.

Mind you, The Hubie and I followed gut in choosing to marry. We were not old friends or long lovers. We met, we felt as if we had a past, we made a baby, and we got married. There was a peace in our love like we were saving each other from ourselves. Life was grand as we got to know each other and started a family. Six years later once all to know was known times got hard and then got harder (I said harder, ha).

SPOILER ALERT!!! In this movie the couple does not make it.  They plumit as if watching a painful documentary from a hidden camera of what a couple doesn't want you to see and know. Critics gave a hard time to a motel scene which I found long but probably the most real part of how men often try to fix situations with lets get drunk and screw problem solving method.  As challenging as it was, I saw

This film hurt, but I would  witnessed it again because the smile were worth the tears (Ryan was laugh out loud funny.).   I guess the reasons why movies are glossy and nice is because too real makes us feel exposed and venerable like a skinned knee. 
Who likes  a skinned knee?  But It sure is fun right before you get one.

The sound track was perfect in my opinion done mostly by Grizzly Bear (similar to Elliott Smith) with a memorable track by Penny's and Quarters and an endearing moment from Ryan Gosling himself.

Check Out This

Penny's and Quarters Track

and this
Grizzly Bear Track... I Live with You!

and cute Ryan Gosling
You Always Hurt the Ones You love


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