Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Computer at Work!

My computer at work is acting a fool. I am going to blog as much as possible.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Mania!!

I am not preggers... THANK THE Lord!

But I discovered over the weekend that not only have I gotten

to old to handle my liquor (if I ever could) and the

world is officially pregnant.

Congrats and Good luck to

all you mom's to be.

I have for quite a long time dreamed of the impregnation of

Mogul dream wife Beyonce

And finally bitch you have

heard my prays and will soon give me my fantasy

People Magazine sell outs!

Fingers crossed I will get a nursery expose and the baby came...

Lets sell the pictures for major benjamins spread!

OK, I talked to my office mate Laura M. this morning and remembered that my middle baby cakes had "I like big butts" stuck in her head a week ago.

I am talking humming the ditty to herself on the soccer field.

Don't know where she heard it (probably some Disney show), but it was good, good stuff.

Jam with me, guys....

Lets all remember Harry in is time of need!

I love the often fallen Prince Harry.

He was getting some bad press this morning for falling into a pool at a bar head


They news media forgets to mention this happens the day before the anniversary of his mom's death. Get good and drunk Prince Harry!

You and your loss are in my prayers.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Time Travel and Soap Boxes

Spoiler Alert.....

I plan to soap box it a little bit (warning!).

My children remain young and somewhat innocent, and I cannot foresee my feelings in the future regarding aging.
However, I often preach about my stresses and problems in relation to Breathalyzers before dances and other parent invasions of the teenage dream.
Don't get me wrong; my kids punishment for drinking and driving and puking on my floor will be extensive.
The "lets stay at the Pantin's; their parents are always asleep" won't happen with Hank tipsy on the couch!
I do want want with all my heart for my children to be successful teenagers someday. And by that I mean, I long for them to face life's questions and struggles of peer pressure with as much grace as possible. I want them to gain confidence and memories that will last them a life time.

I say all this because Gram's new favorite song is Kings of Leon "Back Down South". I watched the video with him and traveled back to the reason I love the MS Delta so much.
Greenwood does not offer a movie theater, but it provides more life, spirit, and freedoms of flat open land that others are hard pressed to beat.

I hope I can display the good nature required to teach my children the lessons of a safe and moral life and love them intensely through those fun times they F it all up!

What do you think about this video? Does it feel as personal for you as it did for me?

This song is one of Gram's friends (who is not near as cool) favorite song. It also inspires some of those same time travel feelings for me!