I have decided to entitle my Monday blogs as Maladaptive Mondays because I am never ready for them, and I am shock by my lack of preparedness.
This Monday started with a blister on my daughter's arm exploding in my face. Goo dripping off my ear and my middle and most precious screaming at the top of her lungs as if she had just been attacked with gobs human waste.
Well I digress, I survived the pimple juice and the weekend. Hank and I bought him a new ride this weekend. It is exactly what he wanted and the deal was fair while the shopping experience both quirky and fun. We are now the proud owners of a 2006 Nissan Pathfinder that is black with tan interior. I also discovered that I do get hungry if I go too long with out eating (very good to know at thirty).

The highlight of my weekend was Friday night Hank cooked dinner for his mother's birthday and then we went out and had two beers at Crawdads in Merigold while our friend played.
Surprisingly enough, I regretted not wanting to go. The crowd was full of familiar faces that were too long absent from my nights. I enjoyed seeing everyone and proud of our friend Courtney's singing and her courage. Andrea, my BFF, was also kicking killer shoes. Oh what a good time had by all.

For my friend Laura M. at www.lauramerrill@blogspot this one is for you!